Joovvin’ with Blair O’Neal, Pro Golfer, Model, and TV Host
In this special guest post written by Blair O’Neal, the professional golfer, model, and TV personality explains why she and so many pro athletes are Joovvin’.
As a former professional golfer, and now as a golf TV personality, I talk to a lot of professional athletes, and I’m always interested in learning about new training and recovery techniques. As a model and someone who is passionate about health and skin, I also interact with a lot of people in the beauty world.
I’d heard some buzz about red light therapy from both sides, but it was a close friend of mine who turned me onto Joovv. She and her husband use Joovv for their skin and complexion. They see great results (and look amazing), so I started doing my homework on red light therapy.
Why I Chose Joovv
After talking to athletes and trainers, and reading up on the science behind it, it became pretty clear that Joovv was the standard in red light therapy, and I loved that I could get a full-body system in my house, just like the ones pro athletes are using at their training facilities. I was super excited about the Joovv products, and I set my expectations high due to all of the positive testimonials I’d heard.
I use two Joovv devices: I’ve got my Joovv Quad at home for powerful, full-body treatments. I’ve also got the handheld Joovv Go, which I can use pretty much anywhere, and I often slip it in my carry-on when I’m on the road. I travel a lot, so if I could only do red light therapy at home, I wouldn’t be able to get the consistent use that’s required for the best results.
4 Huge Health Benefits I’ve Seen From Joovvin’
After several months, I’m loving my Joovv Quad and Joovv Go, and I’ve felt 4 really noticeable health benefits already.
Clear Skin
The first thing I noticed was how Joovv treatments affected my skin. Even after just a week or two of consistent use, I was seeing great results with my complexion, and I’m excited to keep that momentum going!
I can put my Joovv Go in my bag and use it in the evenings or on the road. I mostly use the Go on my face because I want my skin looking refreshed in the mornings when I am on camera! Immediately after using it, I notice my skin is more plump and has a healthy glow. I love that! I am all about having my own red light therapy product that I can use whenever I want to get these great skincare benefits!
Better Sleep
The second thing I noticed, also pretty quickly, was how Joovv positively affected my sleep. Red light therapy provides a deeper sleep with a more rested feeling the next morning, which I think has some nice synergy with the skin benefits I mentioned earlier.
Now that I Joovv, I’m also more aware of artificial blue light, which is very harsh on my eyes and makes it harder to get good sleep. Blue light exposure can really hurt your sleep and circadian rhythm, so it’s nice to be able to use the Joovv to counteract the blue light that is all around us.
I use a sleep app to track how well I’m sleeping, and there has been a direct correlation between the quality of sleep it tells me I’m getting and the use of my Joovv. When I use my Joovv before bedtime, my sleep percentages are higher, and I just generally feel more rested and ready to rock the next morning!
Inflammation Relief
Another big reason I love Joovvin’ is how much less inflammation I feel. That’s one of the biggest reasons my skin looks and feels better, and it makes it a lot easier to travel so much and spend nights on the road.
Muscle Recovery
A friend of mine who plays in the NFL uses Joovv for recovery and he loves the results. Now that I’m Joovvin’, I see for myself why so many of my athlete friends are getting into it for training. I’ve found my Joovv use to be very effective for muscle recovery and soreness after workouts. As an athlete and person who trains often, Joovv has become a regular part of my recovery routine.
Why Athletes Love Red Light Therapy
I definitely can tell the full-body Joovv Quad coverage I get is more powerful than the targeted Joovv Go treatments, and that’s why the pros are using the larger systems for their daily training needs. There are just so many benefits from this device, and it’s exciting to see it take off in the sports world.
I think red light will soon be an extremely common training practice on a much larger scale.
I wholeheartedly think that using red light therapy can help professional golfers. Muscle recovery, reduced inflammation, and better sleep are just some of the positive impacts that red-light therapy can help with, and these impacts are especially beneficial for golfers. It also just feels great. With long practice sessions, regular workouts, four days of competition, and traveling, it’s tough on your body and your sleep habits.
It’s a no-brainer to me. Incorporating Joovv into your routine is going to give you results. Period.